From the ASPJ President

Shalom, dzień dobry and and welcome to the latest edition of Haynt,

Although we had high hopes in our prior Rosh Hashana/Jewish New Year edition in September last year, for an upcoming happy and peaceful year for all, little did we know what was about to occur. And now, almost a full year later, we are still very much living with the ongoing trauma of the 7th October 2023 massacre in Israel – and all the tragic challenges, consequences and losses of the ongoing war to return the kidnapped hostages and eliminate the threat of future terror.

The accompanying surge in antisemitism both overt, and perhaps more sinister covert, here in Australia and throughout the world, continues to shock many. And the increased social tension, seemingly manipulated by some bad faith actors, has caused much strain on interfaith and multicultural engagement between sections of the Australian community.

However, reassuringly and encouragingly, the ASPJ has received messages of support from a range of people and organisations throughout the community. These acts of friendship have not only been greatly comforting, but also significantly motivating in highlighting that we have built real relationships and provided added impetus for us to continue to do so.

On the diplomatic front, we farewelled His Excellency Mr Maciej Chmielinski, who completed his term as Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Australia, at the end of July this year. We are very grateful for his, together with the strong friendship and support of the First  Secretary of the Embassy, Mr Łukasz Grabań. We look forward to continuing this with the new Ambassador and the rest of the staff at the Polish Embassy.

The wide range and mix of ASPJ events continued throughout 2024. In June, we hosted a conversation with renowned photographer Chuck Fishman from New York, who took us through a presentation and provided the background stories to some of the photos which he has captured of Jewish life in Poland from the 1970s until today. On 16th September 2024 , we held a webinar with Rabbi Yitzhak Rapoport from Warsaw, on his reflections on the exodus of Polish Jews, following the antisemitic campaign  in March 1968.

The ASPJ Board are also currently finalising plans for events, including with international guests, for later this year, as well as early 2025, which should be of great interest and display the extensive spectrum of the historical and cultural heritage of Jewish life in Poland.

The ASPJ’s Statement of Purpose is: To preserve and promote the historical and cultural heritage of Jewish life in Poland and to foster understanding between current and future generations of the Polish and Jewish communities. As we now approach Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, it is our fervent hope that Australia remains the welcoming land of opportunity – a country of religious freedom and protection, where people and communities of different religions, race, ethnicities all live together without hate or fear, in a vibrant, prosperous multicultural community that benefits us all.

We pray for a Sweet New Year with peace and security for all, especially in Israel.

Enjoy this latest edition of Haynt. Thanks to our editor Izi Marmur for all his effort in producing yet another excellent edition.

Shana Tova & Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku.

Ezra May
President ASPJ